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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Week!

Merry Christmas to all! This week at Harrison we are playing a bit. Most classes are taking a break from our current subject and doing something a little Christmas related. Some are making snowmen with baking soda, some are playing with oobleck, and some are making pretty bulbs with coffee filters. Check out the links page for 'how to's' and Harrison's page for fun pictures.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Harrison November 13 - 15, 2013

This week we are doing lots of different things.
One class of 5th graders are studying the respiratory system and will begin moving into the circulatory system next week.These two systems work together to deliver oxygen to all of the cells in the body and take away the carbon dioxide.
4th grade is continuing to study the digestive system and 2 classes are demonstrating it. Catch the video  (when I finally figure out how to get it there--hehehehe).
3rd grade is finding out how to conserve our natural resources. We watched a video I borrowed from the Idaho Power lending library.
2nd grade is investigating the properties of liquids. Last week we created properties of solids.
1st grade is beginning to learn about seasons. We started with a video from Reading Rainbow Summer. It shows us properties of each of the seasons. Ask your student if winter looks and feels the same everywhere. Also ask them how cranberries are harvested. It is very interesting and different from the way we see crops harvested.
Friday I have a whole new set of classes and we will begin with scientific method and elephant toothpaste!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The week of Halloween....and.....

Everything seemed normal at Harrison....until.....Science class!

Fourth grade continued with the digestive system and finished the Magic School Bus  For Lunch video. Then they labeled and colored a diagram of the digestive system according to a code. What fun!!!!

3rd grade figured out what resources look like when they run out....sad!  But ask them about renewable and nonrenewable....hopefully they can tell you.

2nd grade this week got a special lesson with Oobleck. Fun!! Is it solid? Is it liquid?

1st grade is meeting OUCH and Liz Haugee from Idaho Power.

Kindergarten is getting to classify Halloween candy...then...EAT IT!!!!!! Bwaaahhhaaaa

I don't think I get to see 5th grade this week, what with the  Halloween  parade and parties. Be watching for you in the hallways!!

Be sure to check Harrison's tab for activities and pictures. and check the 'Links' tab for the Oobleck activity.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Can you find the frog!!???

Last week one of the kindergartners at Harrison brought in their pet frog. Boy was he cute! I love it when students share their 'science' with me! He was very excited to share his frog with his classmates and when I came in to do science he had to show me too! Thanks for sharing!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Science Expo

Sawtooth Elementary is having a science expo. You might want to check it out. Looks like a lot of fun!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Wow! Lots of stuff is going on at Bickel. We are  moving to new topics since we are familiar with the scientific method and the vocabulary that goes with it. YEAH! We are beginning to look at resources, matter, and one grade has a guest speaker who brought a friend to visit with us. Take a look at Bickel's page to see what is going on......

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New topics!!! Yahooo!

This week Harrison students are moving to new topics since we can use and understand the steps of the scientific method! We are beginning matter, classifying, digestive system, and circulatory/respiratory systems. Be watching for new links on the 'Links' page and a few video links on the 'Video' page.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What have Bickel students been up to with baby diapers, pennies, cotton balls, cups, rainbows, and scientific method?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Great contest for all!

Here is a coloring contest sponsered by Idaho Power. Please take advantage of ths opportunity.

Looks like it could be very fun!!!!!!!

Click here for details or see below

Student Art Contest
Open to students grades K-12
Sponsored by Idaho Power
In recognition of Energy Awareness Month, Idaho Power is sponsoring an art contest with these categories:
• Electrical Safety/Ouch the Outlet (Visit the link above to download coloring page)
Coloring contest.
(K–2nd grade only)

Ways to Save Energy
Show your favorite way to save electricity at home!
(3rd–5th, 6th–8th and 9th-12th)

Energy and electricity are powerful things. What do they mean to you?
(3rd–5th, 6th–8th and 9th-12th)
Bring energy education into your classroom and inspire students and families to think more about energy. Category winners, as well as regional winners, will be chosen from schools in Idaho Power’s service area.
Category winners and their teachers will each receive a $50 gift card. Fifteen regional champions and their teachers will receive a $50 gift card and fifteen runners-up will receive a $25 gift card, along with their teacher!
Entries will be judged on:
Contest Rules:
1. Entries must be postmarked by Friday, Oct. 9, 2013.

2. All entries must include — student’s name, grade, school, school phone number, teacher’s name and entry category — on the back lower corner of drawing in pencil. Please write neat and legibly.
3. “Ouch the Outlet” submissions must be created on 8 ½ x 11 coloring page. Other category submissions for grades 3rd–12th must be submitted on 11 x 17 paper or cardstock.
4. Student artists must live within Idaho Power’s service area.
Submit Entries:
Energy Awareness Art Contest
Idaho Power
P.O. Box 70
Boise, Idaho 83707
Entries postmarked after the Oct. 9, 2013 deadline will not be judged. Overall winners will be announced in October. Winning artwork will be displayed in local communities, as well as posted on Idaho Power’s website and Facebook page. Submissions also may be featured in future Idaho Power publications. All entries become the property of Idaho Power and will not be returned.


Liz Haugee
Idaho Power | Customer Operations
133 Fairfield St. N. | Twin Falls, ID | 83301
Work 208-736-3466
Fax 208-433-5176

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bickel students this week are experimenting with baby diapers, cotton balls, and rainbows. Ask your student how diapers hold all that liquid, what's the best way to get a cotton ball into a cup without using their hands--at all!--, and how did we capture a rainbow. Check out the links page for websites for many of the activities we do in class.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What are Harrison students up to this week?????

Look at that cart! What could we possibly be up to this week? diapers, baggies, water, nail polish, cups, black construction paper, plates, balloons, cotton balls, and Quirkles. Check out our page for clues. And don't forget to ask your students!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What a busy week at Harrison!

Whew! Made it through Wednesday! Ask students about pennies and water; about corn kernels, baking soda, and vinegar; and beans! We are still working on the scientific method...there are some silly actions...see if can use them to remember the steps.
Thursday and Friday I will be spending time with my husband in Boise, please treat my guest teacher kindly. I know you all will use your habits and help her out. Thanks for taking care of her for me. :)

Monday, September 16, 2013


That means I am at Bickel!
We are working on the steps of the scientific method--observe, question, hypothesis, experiment, record data, analyze results, and communicate with others. Ask your students what the actions are for each step to help us remember them better.

PS check out the pictures on Harrions's page. :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What do these things have in common?

eggs, milk, food coloring, salt, spoons, pennies, vineagar, Q-tips, paper towels, beans, and water-----lots of water?

Once you have a HYPOTHESIS, check out Harrison's page (experiment) to see if you are right (analyze results).

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Peek at what Bickel science classes have been up to this week.

Bickel students have been creating and experimenting with yeast, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. Check out Bickel's page and see what they are doing.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Check out what's been happening at Harrison this week!

This week Harrison students seem to all forgotten to bring their pet elephants to school to test out our waaaay cool elephant toothpaste! Ask your student how we made elephant toothpaste and how we changed the experiment.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome back for a new and exciting year!

A few things will be different at both schools. They both are instituting a rotation schedule for the classes to compensate for missed Fridays and number of students. At Harrison I will be the 'traveling science teacher'. May need to find a catchy phrase to go with the amazing blue cart! It may be a challenge to keep track of where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to see, but I LOVE an adventure!