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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

They are here!! They are here!!!

Well at least a few have hatched and now enjoying Mr. Fullmer's hospitality.
Take a look at our babies.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Almost Hatching Day!!!!!

Tomorrow marks the big day.....we will all become parents! Well, so to speak hopefully there will lots of peeping little babies making their debut.  4th and 5th graders are anxiously awaiting their babies to be born. Here they are after we took them off the turners.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Take a look at what the 4th and 5th grades are getting to see. Baby chicks moving in the egg. It is so amazing to see the little things move. It is awe inspiring. So glad we have gotten the opportunity to experience this amazing event, thanks to Suzanne Dolecheck and the U of I extension office and 4H. We are about a week from hatching day then the sound of little peeps and chirps will be heard in the 4th and 5th grade hall. We'll keep you posted.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Candling Week!!!!!

This week we are candling the chicken eggs to see the development of the baby (embryo). We should get to see the baby move inside the egg. These individual pictures are from about day 3. the collage below is from day about day 12. All the 4th and 5th graders will get to experience this procedure.