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Monday, November 24, 2014


4th grade has been enjoying a presentation from Liz Haugee from ID Power about their efforts to grow the populations of steelhead and salmon. KTVB had a report on the stocking of steelhead in Idaho. KTVB Steelhead Report

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wow! A lot has been going on! 5th grade is working on the respiratory system labeling and reading about it. 4th grade is working on plant adaptations. Mrs. Garcia's class helped me put together the activity we are doing this week. They matched plants with their decsriptions. No small task since they were in no order and about 45 of each.  They definitaley were synergizing! Thanks so much! 3rd grade is working really hard to understand nonrenewable resources. Such a big concept. 2nd grade is having fun with matter. Last few weeks we investigated solids and created properties for them. This week we are investigating liquids and then next week we will create properties for them. 1st is finishing up classifying with a pretty difficult activity this week. They are working with 2 properties of blocks; some of those blocks fit just one property, some blocks don't fit either property, and some fit both propertuies. We are really stretching their thinking! And Liz and Ouch from ID Power are visiting the afternoon kindergarten classes. The students LOVE seeing them! Thanks Liz and Ouch for helping us learn about electrical safety.

 Just how many kindergarteners does it take to push in Ouch's saftey cap?????

Wednesday, November 5, 2014