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Friday, December 18, 2015

Sharpen the Paw activity

Take a look at what my groups did for 'Sharpen the Paw' We made Christmas trees out of bolts, nuts, and washers. Then we put sparkly snow on them!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What's going on

     Wow! It is almost Christmas break!  We all have been VERY busy this month. 1st grade is learning about life cycles. 2nd grade is studying matter and putting together a big foldable filled with smaller foldables. One of our 3rd grade classes--Mrs. Standley's--is building and programming robots.  The other 3 are learning about resources with a visit from Liz Haugee from ID Power. 3rd grade also had a special visitor from the INL to tell us about nuclear energy. Thank you Mr. Miley. 4th graders are just finishing up plant adaptations and beginning to move into animal adaptations. Can't wait to see if there are any similarities. 5th grade has working on plant and animal cells. Ask them about their jello cells! Kindergarten is learning about our 5 senses.
     Make sure and check out the "Happenings" page for pictures of all the fun we have been having!